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When I first started dating my wife, I would do anything not to embarrass myself. But as many of us know and have found out at least a few times in our lives, that is an impossible task. The most humiliating moment came at a movie theater soon after Nicki and I started seeing each other. We had gotten our seats and were comfortable, when I decided I would go out and get us some popcorn and a drink while the advertisements were playing. When I got back, the lights had been turned down and the movie was just getting started. Now, our seats were on the other side, so I had to walk across the front to get to them. Somehow I tripped, causing popcorn to fly in the air and land all over the people in the front row. Laughing, clapping, snorts, and cheers ensued while I speed walked to my seat.

I was hoping that she didn't see or hear what happened. But with all the commotion (and only a few pieces of popcorn left in the giant bag), I knew I would have some serious explaining to do. But not to worry, as I approached my seat, I saw her nearly unconscious from laughing so hard. After a few minutes she asked me, "What happened to the popcorn?" And then she laughed some more, and kept laughing off and on through the entire movie - all two hours of it. At the end of the movie she asked me to help her get out of the seat because she thought she pulled an abdominal muscle!

The thing is, these types of incidents are what start conversations. They're what get people's attention, not the stories of "Listen to how great I am" or "Look at what I did." Why? Because we love to be reminded that we're human, that we're not perfect. And because we love to laugh, we love to hear a good story, or see a blooper. The proof is in shows like "America's Funniest Home Videos" that are still on the air with the same mishaps, spills, tumbles, and crashes. It doesn't even have to be original stuff for us to keep watching, as long as people keep messing up.

Knowing that we're all contaminated with this humanness should help us be free from the need to hide who and where we really are. We're all a little messed up, and we don't have it all together, and the people around us are in the same boat. Instead, we keep pretending that we're okay and believing they're definitely okay. Can I tell you that this kind of acting is getting us nowhere? We're not called to live from the stage. We're called to live out of the true state of our hearts. When we do this, we get the help we need and then others feel that they can get the help they need. Then the helpers help and get what they need. It's God's way; it's the circle of life - true life.

This isn't just about tripping and spilling stuff, it's about loss, death, pain, rejection, and grief. How we're approaching it and getting through it. It's about our future, our purpose, our destiny. What direction are we really going, and who's really calling the shots, God or fear? Who has more weight in your decisions?

What I've noticed with us humans is that we don't mind watching someone else fall and tumble as long we're not the ones going down. We tend to do everything in our power to make sure we don't fall, that we don't fail. Of course, none of us want to nor should we desire or look for ways to mess up. But is our need for protection and safety keeping us from doing what God needs us to do and from learning what God needs us to learn? Are we blowing up too many inflatables? Are we setting up too many gates and fences, keeping out what we really need from getting to us? Are we doing everything we can to stay safe? Are we doing everything we can to make sure we can't fail?

In hindsight, I probably would have stayed in my seat, gone without the popcorn and soda. I probably would have been better off anyway. Less stuff in my teeth and less chances of surprise burps sneaking out. But I would have lost a great memory, great laughs that we still share to this day. That moment enriched our relationship. It actually grew us closer that night. I think many of us would say the same thing. That even though certain circumstances or events were painful we wouldn't take them back for anything. Why? Because God used it for something good. That's what He does. Who else can do that? Who can take death and pain and make it something positive, something life-changing? Only God, and we need to remember that the next time we're tempted to wrap ourselves with bubble wrap.

What's keeping you in your seat? What are you really afraid of? Is God calling you somewhere or to do something but you can't move because of all the walls, locks, and alarms you've set in place? We all have fears of failing. But we need to remember that it's often only through the failures that we find success and answers along with God's miraculous power in turning pain into gain. God isn't looking for seat warmers. He's looking for people who are willing to carry their popcorn in the dark even at the risk of tripping.

So go ahead, get some. The movie will be on when you get back.

2 Thessalonians 1:11
So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.


Joel G. said…
Excellent piece of work, Josh. I never tire of reading your blog entries. :)
Anonymous said…
Your piece has me thinking that, as a mom, I try too much to insulate my children in bubble wrap, instead of letting them take chances and make mistakes, just like we all do through life. Thanks for reminding us that human is okay, no matter what the age!

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