I'm sure you've heard the expression, "when pigs fly," right? It's typically used to describe something that will never happen. Many have used this saying when talking about the Eagles' chances of winning a Super Bowl or the day that Steeler fans will stop flashing their make-believe rings like gangster rap stars. But did you ever experience a time when the pigs actually flew? When the impossible happened? What did you do? What was your response? There is this story in the Bible about a man who was possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus sees him and casts out the demon into a herd of pigs that then flew over a cliff and died. (OK, so they didn't fly. They dropped off the cliff like anvils. I had to find some way of luring you in with the title.) People seeing what happened were amazed and astonished. So amazed and astonished that they asked him to leave the town immediately. You heard me, they wanted him out. What would cause a group of people t...
...because life is worth writing about.