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Showing posts from August, 2009

The Ring

What do you daydream about? When you allow your mind to pull over at a rest stop or go on a mini-vacation, what does it think about? My mind usually goes straight to Kung-Fu. Well, I don't really know if you could call it "Kung-Fu." It's kind of my own version. I call it "J-Fu." It's a mixture of all the fights and battles I've ever seen all coiled up in one. Can I tell you how exciting and awesome it is to win every fight, to produce moves that even Batman would drool over? Even now I'm tempted to go there, to save another helpless soul or to defend my family. How frequently does this happen? A lot. Most times though it happens before bed time. I imagine an intruder entering my room, and, of course, he never has time to harm us because I've already landed several elbows, a figure-four, and a double-eye poke for good measure. But it can happen anywhere at any time. I've defended myself and saved others miniature golfing, at church, Hershe...

Shopping Cart (The Parallels of Cholesterol and Our Spiritual Health), Part 2

Parallel Two: Both require a thorough investigation. Have you noticed that pretty much every food item in the grocery store has something positive marked on the packaging? It doesn't matter if the product is really good for you or not, you'll usually find either what it doesn't have or the single healthy thing it does have marked in some bright colors close to the brand name or title. You don't fall for this, do you? You don't buy the honey buns because it states that it has low sodium or the chocolate chip cookies because it contains 4 grams of protein? My personal favorite is shortening, which is another name for lard, taking shots at butter. You probably didn't realize that there was an enormous food fight going on at your local grocery store, did you? But there is. All of them are competing against each other. If you stop in one of the aisles and listen real close you might be able to hear the gossiping, backstabbing and bickering going on between them, espe...