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A couple years ago I’m belly deep in water on a beach in Florida with my wife and kids...the sun is warm, the water’s cool and beautifully clear…every few minutes one of us let’s out a giggle from the fish that are playfully nibbling at our feet. And then I feel something on the ocean floor- when I’m fully convinced its not a shark or other weird sea creature... I go down for it.  A few seconds later I pop up holding the perfect sand dollar that I proudly raise in the air- which set’s off a family competition of who could find the biggest and best one. From a distance we probably looked like a human version of whack-a-mole (without the whacking of course) as our heads were repeatedly going in and out of the water.  The exploring led us to find, what we called Sand Dollar City- a seemingly endless and breathtaking expanse of sand dollars that went on as far as the eye could see on the ocean floor.  But because they were deeper, and because they took a lot more breath...
Recent posts

When Your Normal Is Hijacked

The other day a commercial came on that I think was about cereal. It ended with the dad giving his son a celebration hip check (because this is always what you want to do after eating Raisin Bran :) ). Both were smiling from ear to ear with their perfect father-and- son relationship in their beautiful, perfect house. Everything seemed for them... well…normal...without problems - no disease, no disorders, no Bell's Palsy.  And this question mixed with complaint crossed my mind, "Why can't I have that?" All in all, life has been pretty close to a "celebration hip check" for me. Yes, there have been some small bumps and stitches along the way. (And yes, I could have done without the softball collision that broke my entire face.) But for the most part, it's been good...normal.  A few years ago our " normal" was hijacked, and my family and I were left trying to figure out what happened, what to do, and how we were going to move on witho...


Is there a restaurant that you go to for the wrong reasons? For example, do you go to International House of Pancakes for the eggs, or Waffle House for the amazing atmosphere and great tasting food? In general, I go to restaurants for the right reasons. But there is one exception: I go to Texas Roadhouse not for the steaks, but for the rolls and butter. For a season, buns were on my mind a little too much. One lonely night I thought about going there by myself just to get some. Knowing I was in a low and desperate state, I rolled my cares to Jesus, and He raised me up and spread  His grace over me, giving me the strength to resist. (Why did writing that sentence make me hungry?!) I'm sure you've heard of the story of Jesus feeding well over 5,000 people with five barley loaves and two fish. But did you catch the post-meal conversation with the ones He fed just a day after? John 6:25-30:  They (the crowd) found him on the other side of the lake and asked, "Rabbi, whe...

When Pigs Fly

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When you go to the beach, do you at some point pace the shoreline looking for seashells? Do you only collect the prettiest ones? If they're broken, then they aren't leaving with you. If they aren't perfectly whole, if even a sliver has been broken, it isn't making the cut, right? Every time I enter into this well-worn tradition, the same thought invades my mind, "I'm so glad God isn't like me."   I'm glad that God doesn't choose to only love and work through those who are shiny, perfect, and unbroken. During my most recent expedition, a question hovered close behind those thoughts. Is it about more than shells? Is this simple art of shell hunting revealing something about the human heart? Is most of our time and energy being used toward the wrong things? Have we replaced God with the good things He gave us to enjoy?  The Lessons I Learned From a Conch Shell As I searched for the perfect shell, more specifically, the perfect ...

Between (Lessons Learned from Poolside) Lesson 2

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Flow (The Parallels of Cholesterol and Our Spiritual Health), Part 1

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